In Americo y su Pincel (Americo and his paintbrush), the mother of the artist tells the story of the aesthethic development of his son in a methodical and conceptual manner which are also full of affection.
This work explores an unknown path. It is a model to follow for researchers in case studies and for families and institutions involved in supporting people with special educational needs. It is a didactic and understandable guidance to understand the controversial field of intellectual compromise.
Whilst highlighting the emotional and intellectual value of the book written by his mother, it is also necessary to aknowledge Maria Elena Rabago, Americo's art teacher, who discovered his potential and creative world and cultivates it with exemplar empathy for a disciple of such creative merit. Carmen Aranguren R.
A Spanish version of the book is available to download on the link below
We are actively looking for publishers to release versions of the book in other languages.
Please contact us if you would like to collaborate.